Name of Djinn: Vual
Djinn number: 47th
Djinn Appearance:
Name of Capturer: Fumiko Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia
Metal Vessel Appearance:
Metal Vessel Power: Fumiko's weapons gets the property to steal Magoi whenever it touch something which contains Magoi be that items or people and the longer it touch something the more Magoi it steal and transfer to Fumiko.
Djinn Equip: Fumiko's weapons gets an aura purple
Djinn Equip Full Body Appearance:
Djinn Equip Full Body Powers: Fumiko gains the power to spread shadows as long as she touched the place just once in this form she can then melt into those shadows and appear from any of the other shadows. Her weapons also gets the property to steal speed and strength in addition to steal Magoi. Fumiko can use her Extreme Magic in this form